3rd European Advanced School

for Mouse Phenogenomics

Methods and the good practices for the use of mouse models for scientific research

Thank you to all participants for this very successful edition !

View the Portofolio 2019

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Would you like to learn more about mouse functional genomics to improve your research?

  • Discuss your work in progress and receive advice on experimental design issues
  • Benefit from state-of-the-art expertise and innovative methods
  • Gain crucial skills required to choose, create and analyse the suitable mouse model for your research
  • Learn how to use the available resources from the international projects
  • Gain personnal connections with experts and peers throughout Europe
"The program was very rich and complete! It covered everything we need to know. I learned very much and I also had a great time! I liked that we also had time to unwind with the social events. The atmosphere was very light and it was easy to ask all the questions I wanted and share my experience and ask for advice. Now I feel more ready to continue my scientific research, although I know I still have much more to learn! :) Thank you for this great experience!  :)"

Advanced school

AFFICHE_PHENOMIN_SCHOOL_2019_HD.png The school will expand your understanding of critical aspects related to mouse model for biomedical and basic research.

  • The thematic school is a 4-days advanced program which promises to accelerate shared conceptual scientific advances, to transfer innovative methods and techniques in the use of mice in biomedical research, from the design of experimental protocols until its realization and data analysis.
  • The school describes the state-of-the-art on a variety of fields, organized around 5 topics, namely mouse genetics, mutagenesis, mouse colony management, mouse clinical phenotyping and data management (statistical approaches).
  • Importantly, it will also be explained the new public web resources connecting model organisms to human diseases for a rich appreciation of the conservation in mammalian functional genomics.

This biannual international event provides a wealth of information in the use of mouse model to improve the research of attendees.

Previous editions :


What are the benefits of attending this training?

PHENOMIN's school provides the unique opportunity for PhDs and young postdocs to discuss their research in detail with experts as well as peers.

  • Connection between doctoral education and international research projects
  • Theory and workshops
  • Networking and socialising

The expected impacts are:

  • Concrete changes in the management of your experimental projects
  • Concrete changes in your laboratory and/or animal facility
  • Concrete changes in the analysis and interpretation of the model data you use

The program also addresses the item of continuing professional education consistent with the new European directive requirement for lab animal protection in experiments.


To whom is the school targeted ?

The thematic school welcomes newcomers and former participants, peoples who directly or indirectly use the mouse as a model for scientific research and wish to expand their understanding of animal research.We encourage both industrial and academic researchers from across Europe to attend this school.

The school is intended for:

  • PhDs and Postdocs
  • Researchers
  • Clinicians 

The school involves major infrastructure from France and rest of Europe, through its INFRAFRONTIER partnership.The teachers are all experts from European landscape of the mouse phenogenomics field.

A maximum of 40 participants can attend at the school.

PHENOMIN School Committee

Scientific committee


PhD, Veterinarian, Director of the "Centre de typage, archivage et modèle animal" or the Center of Typing, Archiving and Animal Model (PHENOMIN-TAAM), CNRS, France

Yann Hérault

PhD, Director of the "Institut Clinique de la Souris" or Mouse Clinical Institute (PHENOMIN-ICS), INSERM-CNRS-University of Strasbourg, France

Bernard Malissen

PhD, Director of the "Centre d'immuno-phénogénomique" or the Center of Immuno-Phenogenomics (PHENOMIN-CIPHE), INSERM-University of Aix-Marseille, France

Steering committee

Abdel Ayadi

PhD, Head of the Mouse services department (PHENOMIN-ICS)

Isabelle Goncalves

DMV, Veterinarian and manager of ethic and welfare (PHENOMIN-ICS)

Patrick Reilly

PhD, Head of the phenotyping department (PHENOMIN-ICS)



Elodie Bedu

PhD, Manager for business development and training (PHENOMIN-ICS)

Guillaume Pavlovic

PhD, Head of the genetic engineering and model validation department (PHENOMIN-ICS)

Mohammed Selloum

PhD, Project Coordination of European programs (PHENOMIN-ICS)


Marie-Christine Birling

PhD, Associate Head of the genetic engineering and model validation department (PHENOMIN-ICS)

Tania Sorg

PhD, Chief operating officer (PHENOMIN-ICS) 

Laurent Vasseur

Head of management information department (PHENOMIN-ICS)

Major topics of the program



  • Mouse genetics and Mutagenesis: Good practices, CRISPR/Cas9 and other nucleases, humanized mice, mouse models for cancer, epigenetics.
  • Functional tests and pre-clinical studies in mice models-limits of the mouse models: scientific and ethical considerations of phenotyping, design experimental and statistical analysis, Imaging and preclinical application, phenotyping of mouse embryos, mouse development, aging, mouse model for metabolism, cardiac diseases, neuromuscular assessment, neurobehavior and sensory organs, ..
  • Animal Science- Ethics and Animal Welfare: secure your mice project, heath status, immunophenotyping, does microbiota matter ? , limits of animal models, welfare assessment of GEMs, ..
  • National, European and international initiatives and integrated resources: IMPC, Infrafrontier infrastructure, data integration, resource for mouse models, innovative methodology.

Schedule and speakers

First day / departure on May 20th 2019: Bus leaves Strasbourg train station to school location at 11:00 AM.

Last day / return on May 24th 2019: Bus leaves school location to Strasbourg train station at 2:00 PM.

Registration and Fees

To register, please follow the application procedure.

The early-bird deadline for application is February 15th 2019.

  • PhD applicants: 360€ / 470€ after February 15th 2019
  • Applicants from governmental institutions: 600€ / 780€ after February 15th 2019
  • Applicants from private institutions or companies: 1680€ / 2180 € after February 15th 2019
Free of charge for the students coming from the University of Strasbourg and Aix Marseille University.

2019 Session portfolio


Château du Liebfrauenberg
220 rue du Château, 67360 Goersdorf, France
48.957976, 7.766174

+33 3 88 09 31 21



  • Elodie Bedu
  • Joëlle Pensavalle



  • Johan Leyritz
